For the first time ever, in 2019, NOVAS worked with more than 5,000 people. Five new services were opened and by the end of the year, the organisation provided 138 tenancies nationally to 368 individuals.
Throughout 2019 NOVAS provided support and accommodation to 5,263 people in Limerick, Clare, Kerry, Tipperary, Cork and Dublin. This was an increase of 10% from the previous year and an increase of 448% since 2010. In all our services, demand exceeded capacity. Demand was particularly acute in rural services as the number of people seeking support continued to grow. For the second year in a row, the number of children supported by NOVAS exceeded the 1000 mark and we worked with 358 families throughout the year.

This is Us
Our 2019 Annual Report
In West Cork, referrals to our Tenancy Sustainment Service increased by 405% during the last five years. In Tipperary, demand exceeded capacity to such an extent in 2019 that we were only in a position to provide accommodation to 14% of all those referred to our service. Rural homelessness is often a hidden issue with many people sofa surfing, living is precarious and unsustainable situations, often with multi-generations of one family in overcrowded housing.
Welcome to our virtual launch from NOVAS’ CEO and Chair and the Mayor of Limerick, Cllr. Mike Collins
Thank you for taking the time to read through our report and watch our videos. Every year we look forward to welcoming you to our Annual Report launch and having the opportunity to thank you in person for your support throughout the year. Of course, there is nothing normal about the times we live in, so we would like to virtually thank you!
Thank you to the Mayor of Limerick for taking the time to officially launch this report and for his kind words of support.
We look forward to a time in the future when we can all meet again.
Support Us
NOVAS is a voluntary organisation working with single adults, families and children who are disadvantaged and socially excluded; primarily those who are homeless or at risk of being homeless. We are also an Approved Housing Body who provide social housing for low-income families and single adults in local communities throughout Ireland. We offer bespoke, client-centred services, based on empirical evidence of fifteen years’ experience of working with people who are homeless in Ireland. We work with some of society’s most marginalised individuals and believe everyone is entitled to a home.