Detox From Benzos
A total of 2,283,489 prescriptions were issued for the top five prescribed anti-depressant/anxiety disorder drugs as reported in the Irish Examiner of the 19th of March 2015. This is enough to cover half the population but in fact the prescriptions were issued to 331,368 people. The research was limited to those in receipt of prescriptions on medical cards.
A paper published last week in the Irish Medical Journal ‘An Audit of Prescribing Practices for Benzodiazepines and Z-Drugs” [non-benzo sleeping pills] found that despite publication of the Benzodiazepine Committee’s report and good practice guidelines in 2002 (Department of Health and Children), “there is evidence that inappropriate benzodiazepine prescribing (ie prescribing for durations in excess of 2-4 weeks) persists in Ireland in both general practice and residential care settings”. (Irish Examiner, 2015). Over prescribing of benzodiazapines can quickly lead to dependence and it is not uncommon in our experience for people to take over the counter (OTC) medicines for many years.
For some, dependence leads to a life of secrecy where various routes for fulfilling the needs of the addiction are developed. This might lead to a person engaging multiple doctors, forging of prescriptions or buying benzos on-line. For medical card holders it often results in people buying street benzos. The dangers of buying uncontrolled substances are well documented in terms of what is contained within such tablets.
The Community Detox Service, provided by NOVAS and funded by the Mid West Regional Drug and Alcohol Forum, come in to contact with all elements of benzodiazapine misuse on a daily basis. It is part of a national initiative supported by the HSE and the ICGP whose aim is to support people to access safer out-patient detoxification from benzodiazepines and methadone. The service worked with 94 people in the mid-west region in 2014, 57 of whom were new referrals.
“Coming off” or “detoxing” from benzodiazapines is a gradual process and must be carried out under supervision. The Community Detox Programme provides a range of services and advice to assist with the process.
If you are affected by these issues and would like to speak to one of our team in confidence, you can do so by calling Dan, Maurice or Julie on 061 467480 or email
To access the Irish Examiner Special Report CLICK HERE.