Despite the pandemic and the subsequent restrictions, during 2020 NOVAS supported more people than ever before. Throughout the year it supported 5,701 people, an increase of 8% from the previous twelve-month period.

“Living in one room, you can’t breathe, you can’t live. I was afraid to let the kids play in case they made noise. They couldn’t play outside because it was too dangerous.”
Our 2020 Annual Report
The number of people NOVAS supported in 2020 exceeded 5,700 for the first time. The pandemic brought immense changes to all our lives, none more so than people experiencing homelessness and the frontline staff supporting them.
The social isolation experienced by people who are homeless was compounded by closures, social distancing measures and lack of human connection. Here we take a look back at 2020 and the impact it had on NOVAS’ services, staff, volunteers and clients.
Support Us
NOVAS is a voluntary organisation working with single adults, families and children who are disadvantaged and socially excluded; primarily those who are homeless or at risk of being homeless. We are also an Approved Housing Body who provide social housing for low-income families and single adults in local communities throughout Ireland. We offer bespoke, client-centred services, based on empirical evidence of fifteen years’ experience of working with people who are homeless in Ireland. We work with some of society’s most marginalised individuals and believe everyone is entitled to a home.