The Housing And Homeless Committee Report
NOVAS welcome the Committee on Housing and Homelessness report, the findings therein and the inclusion of NOVAS’ recommendations to the committee.
We are particularly pleased with the emphasis on prevention which can be achieved through a range of measures recommended throughout the report including rent certainty, increasing rent supplement, a rent switch programme and greater security of tenure.
The suggestion that 50,000 social homes be built, renovated and acquired in the next five years, as recommended by NOVAS and other homeless and housing bodies, is warmly welcomed and will reflect a shift from the state’s current over-reliance on the private rented market. This is an integral medium-term strategy. The reference to the expansion of Housing First, is most welcome, considering it’s significant success in housing homeless people with complex needs both nationally and internationally.
We are disappointed that the recommendations fell short of enshrining a right to a home in the constitution, as this would have informed all future government policy.
Nevertheless, we look forward to the committee’s recommendations informing the government’s Housing Strategy, to be issued in the coming weeks, and the consorted focus this will bring on solving the current housing and homeless emergency.
The full report can be accessed here: