AMSC Match funding for NOVAS’ 2020 Sleep-In

We are thrilled that Mid-West company AMCS have joined our 2020 Sleep-In. This year the company have developed a Match Campaign for our Sleep-In, so every donation or registration that is made to NOVAS’ Sleep-In this year will be matched by AMCS!! Every €15 registration fee becomes €30 and every donation will also be doubled. We are so grateful for this hugely generous commitment, that helps to make your donation to NOVAS go even further.

Noreen Cantillon, Head of HR with AMCS commenting on the collaboration with NOVAS noted that ‘AMCS is committed to supporting our community, and this is especially important at this time of the year. We recognise that during 2020, in particular, charities who support the most vulnerable in society have been particularly stretched.  We are delighted to partner with NOVAS this Christmas, Novas, like AMCS, has its roots in Limerick. This partnership is inspired by the generosity of our employees, who donate to AMCS charity initiatives throughout the year. AMCS will match employees’ donations to the NOVAS Christmas Toy Appeal and, in addition our entire Christmas Party spend will be donated to the ‘sleep-in’ initiative. We are encouraging our employees to take part in NOVAS charity drives and we have no doubt that the team here and their families will come up with some innovative ways of joining the ‘sleep-in’ initiative on December 18th.’

We would like to take this opportunity to extend a warmest thanks to management and staff of AMCS for their generosity to NOVAS this Christmas.

And remember if you donate to NOVAS’ Sleep-In this year, your donation will be doubled!