Rathmines Women’s Centre
The Abigail Women’s Centre meets the needs of homeless women who require supported accommodation for a temporary period in the Dublin region.
The facility offers a range of rehabilitation and stabilisation interventions designed to engage with residents and create sustainable pathways out of homelessness.
Opened on the 15th of December 2014, the Abigail Women’s Centre operates a harm reduction policy. It does not put barriers in place for entry and accepts clients as they are. It seeks to reduce the harm in the behaviour of clients and ultimately stem the patterns that led to homelessness for them. From the outset (formerly Mount Brown), the project pioneered care and case management protocols and the holistic needs assessment. It is this policy that now informs the nature of care provided to NOVAS clients in all our services and underpins our client centred approach.
Issues facing Abigail Women’s Centre clients include; family breakdown, physical and sexual abuse, alcohol and substance misuse, mental health issues and a history of homelessness. Residents are treated in a compassionate and non-judgmental manner during their stay with NOVAS.
If you would like further information on this service, please contact the Project Manager, Declan Hannon on 086 8362013 or email declan.hannon@novas.ie.
The project was previously located in Finglas but has recently moved and is now delivered from two sites in the south city.