Intensive Family Support Service
The Intensive Family Support Service (IFS) works with families who are homeless or at risk of being homeless.
The IFS accepts self and agency referrals. Following an initial needs assessment, staff develop comprehensive support plans with clients in order to prevent homelessness and sustain tenancies. Once tenancies are stable, additional needs are identified through a hierarchy of needs, and families are supported in addressing these. In instances where families have already lost their home or the home is considered sub-standard to requirements, seeking suitable accommodation or improving the existing residence is prioritised by staff.
The IFS works to improve the lives of the whole family, particularly the children. Each year they host a big Christmas party for the kids and ensure that each child will have a present to open on Christmas morning. The service relies on the generosity of the public in donating to the Christmas Toy Appeal. A summer outing is also organised each year, and may be the only day of the year these children leave the city.
If you would like further information on this service, please contact the Project Manager, Stacey Markham on 061 468033 or stacey.markham@novas.ie