Novas Respite House

Opened in 2009, the NOVAS Respite House cares for the families and loved ones of people with addiction. Funded by the Mid-West Regional Drugs and Alcohol Forum, the service seeks to improve the lives for those supporting people in addiction.

The house is located in a rural and peaceful setting in Co. Tipperary and provides families with the time and space for themselves. Alternative therapies such as reiki, reflexology and massage are offered, lunch is eaten together and above all clients are listened to in a compassionate, impartial and non-judgemental manner.

Day, over-night and weekend respite is offered to clients. Children are welcome and lots of outdoor, fun activities are arranged for them. These include horse-riding, swimming and country walks in Glenstall Abbey. This service enables families to develop new coping skills, gain insight into their situation and implement harm reduction strategies in their lives.

The Respite House works in conjunction with a number of external agencies throughout the Mid-West. These include the Community Substance Misuse Team (CSMT), the North Star Project, the Bedford Row Project, The Child Protection Service Nenagh, the Family Resource Centre Killaloe and the Southill Social Care Services.

The house also provides supervised access visits. These visits facilitate families whose children are in care. It supports these clients in a reconcilitory manner with Bernardos and Social Services.

This beautiful home has emerged as a model for such services. Read some of the testimonials on this facility in the stories section.

If you would like further information on this service, please contact Caroline or Martina on 061 624878 or or